Dominos are small, rectangular blocks with anywhere from 0 to 6 dots. They’re used to create elaborate patterns when arranged correctly, and if you knock over the first domino, it sets off a chain reaction that causes hundreds and sometimes thousands of others to fall. The phenomenon has inspired everything from a Domino’s pizza to the Domino Effect, a term that refers to a series of small steps that lead to bigger changes. For example, once Jennifer Dukes Lee began making her bed every morning, it became a habit that led to other behaviors and helped her build identity-based habits.
In Western domino games, players place pieces edge to edge, so that adjacent sides match (either in numbers or total value). When a set of dominoes is complete, the ones left behind are called the stock or boneyard; they’re sorted by their values and counted for a draw. A piece’s rank or weight is determined by its pips: the higher the number of pips on one end, the more valuable it is.
Each piece of a traditional domino set represents one of the 21 results of throwing two six-sided dice (2d6), although some Chinese sets have blank ends with no spots. The most common set contains 28 unique pieces.
When a Dominoes employee sets up an intricate domino arrangement, the entire display will stand for minutes until it’s finally tipped over by gravity. This is because each domino has inertia, a tendency to resist motion. But a tiny nudge can overcome this force, and the domino will fall. As it falls, it will transfer some of its potential energy into kinetic energy, which can then cause the next domino to topple in turn.
Hevesh has worked on projects that involve 300,000 dominoes and has set a Guinness record for the most dominoes toppled in a circle: 76,017. She says one physical phenomenon is essential to her creations: gravitation. “When you put the domino down, you’re putting it up against the pull of the earth,” says physicist Stephen Morris at the University of Toronto. “When you knock the first one down, that potential energy converts to kinetic energy, which then pushes on the next domino.”
Good dominoes are tasks that contribute to a larger goal or will have a positive impact in your life. For instance, if you’re trying to improve your finances, starting with an overview of your current situation and creating a plan for moving forward are great dominoes that will help you achieve your goals.
When you’re writing a novel, plotting the story is like setting up a large Dominoes setup. Each plot point should connect with the previous and lead to the next in a seamless way. By using this technique, you can develop a compelling story and keep readers engaged. Whether you plot your book on the fly or carefully outline your work, this method is sure to boost your creativity. Check out the video below for more.